Aurpita Sen Gupta

Hometown: Chattogram City, Bangladesh
Undergraduate Degree: Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Research Title: Interactive Database Development for Geomaterial Image Data Analysis via Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
Research Story: While experimental studies are expensive, simulation-based study of multiphase flow is a cheaper and effective alternative. This is due to advancement of image resolution at the pore-scale and modern computation techniques for complex geometrics. My research focuses on multiphase flow simulation for interactive database development using color LBPM in python. LBPM stands for “Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Porous Media” and it is basically a way to model flow process using digital rock physics. This means physical behavior of fluids can be determined in porous materials including rocks, using microscopic-data sources. Relative-permeability and capillary-pressure are the main parameters for this simulation.
Why did you choose the Mining and Minerals Engineering Department at Virginia Tech?
Virginia Tech is the one of the highest-ranked universities in the world and the Mining and Minerals Engineering Department is on the top rank. Here, research facilities are mind-blowing. Excellent students from different countries come here to pursue their graduate programs. That’s why, it was my dream to pursue Ph.D. from VT.
What's the best piece of advice you have been given for starting graduate school?
The best piece of advice that I have been given is that I should work hard, keep patience, and be dedicated to my study and research work. Dr. Sarver thinks it’s also important to have fun and explore besides study.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Generally, I watch cooking videos a lot on YouTube or Instagram in my free time. After coming to the U.S., I am using my free time to talk on the phone with my family members, who live in Bangladesh, and it makes me so happy to connect with them.
What's your favorite place you have traveled?
“Sreemongol” is my favorite place among all the places where I have travelled till now. It is at the “Sylhet” district of my country. It is a naturally beautiful place which is surrounded by lakes, hills, waterfalls, tea gardens, forests and lush greenery. A variety of wildlife and wild animals can live here peacefully.
What's your favorite meal to eat or cook?
Chicken Biriyani is my favorite meal to eat or cook because it is spicy and has beautiful aroma.