Society of Mining Professors Establishes the Michael Karmis PhD Fellowship Award

The Society of Mining Professors, or SOMP, has established a new PhD Fellowship Award named after Dr. Michael Karmis, Virginia Tech Stonie Barker Professor in the mining and minerals engineering department and Director of the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research (VCCER).
The new fellowship award, established just this year, will recognize a SOMP junior member who desires to pursue an academic career by acquiring a PhD in the field of mining engineering and/or mineral processing. The award consists of a 1,000-Euro cash gift and certificate. An award will be presented each year to a suitable candidate during the SOMP Annual General Meeting.
The Society of Mining Professors is a global academic community committed to making significant contributions to the future of the minerals disciplines. Its main goal is to guarantee the scientific, technical, academic and professional knowledge required to ensure a sustainable supply of minerals for mankind. The purpose of their newly established PhD fellowship award is to aid mining and minerals engineering PhD candidates in their academic and research-related expenses.
According to Vladislav Kecojevic, Secretary General of SOMP and the Robert E. Murray Chair and Professor of West Virginia University’s Department of Mining Engineering, the organization named the award for Karmis in order to recognize a “distinguished and inspiring SOMP leader who has transformed and positively impacted the Society.”
Information about the Society of Mining Professors or for students interested in applying for the Michael Karmis PhD Fellowship can be found on the Society’s website.