Our administrative team is committed to creating a welcoming environment for all faculty, staff, students, and the wider university community. We focus on friendly, efficient operations and the best stewardship of public resources.
Bio ItemAaron Noble , bio
Professor, Department Head of Mining and Minerals Engineering, Interim Department Head of Materials Science Engineering, Associate Director Center for Advanced Separation Technologies
Bio ItemAnnie Hassall Lawrence , bio
Business and Operations Manager
Bio ItemLori Andrews , bio
Fiscal and Operations Coordinator
Bio ItemRachel Layman , bio
Laboratory Safety and Compliance Manager
Bio ItemLizeth Jaramillo Taborda , bio
SEM Laboratory & Program Manager
Bio ItemHailey Wade , bio
Communications Manager
Academic and research support
Bio ItemAngelo Biviano , bio
Writing and Communications Program Coordinator
Bio ItemMichelle Crotto , bio
Academic Advisor, Graduate Coordinator
Bio ItemWarren Lucero , bio
Information Technology Manager
Bio ItemBrandy Morse , bio
Senior Manager of Finance and Operations, Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research
Bio ItemJames Grubb , bio
Facility Manager for Plantation Road Lab